Map of Art Nouveau buildings in Moscow

Unlike Brussels, Paris or Prague, Moscow is not commonly associated with a rich architectural Art Nouveau heritage. Nevertheless, hundreds of Art Nouveau villas, town houses, apartment blocks and public edifices were built here at the turn of the 20th century, many of which are true and original masterpieces. This illustrated map is intended to give you a glimpse of what's there and facilitate locating the buildings in the city.

I never intended to map all Art Nouveau buildings in Moscow, with literally hundreds of them out there and many of them not particularly remarkable. I only included the buildings I find even slightly remarkable in at least some way. I took the liberty of ranking the buildings marking the most important ones with a gold star, less important with a silver star and the least interesting (but still worth mentioning) with a bronze star. Obviously my ranking is highly subjective and might not agree with your judgement. If you believe some more buildings deserve to be included please let me know.

All the pictures were taken by me with the exception of some black-and-white period photos and architects' own drafts and drawings. I included links to the English wiki pages on most important architects where available. For some buildings having web sites of their own I provided the links too.

Click on the thingy in the upper left corner of the map to open the map legend. Or open the map in Google Maps for full-screen browsing.

Copyright © Andrei Orekhov, 2008-2016